Our ISO 45001 management model

SOMEREX through ISO 45001 provides a frame of reference to manage risks and opportunities for the Safety and Health of Workers. The objective and expected results of the OH&S management system are to prevent work-related injuries and health deterioration to workers and to provide safe and healthy workplaces; consequently, it is critically important for the organization to eliminate the hazards and minimize the risks to OSH by taking effective prevention and protection measures.

Social commitment

SOMEREX has as a priority among its objectives, to function as a useful entity to society through the creation and training of human talent, to cooperate with the technological development of the country promoting its economy.

Environmental Commitment

SOMEREX, within its concern for the environment, takes care that all its products are biodegradable and in its industrial facilities it has implemented a program of adaptation to the environment (PAMA) and solid waste management, which contribute to positively impact the environment.

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