Propil Galato

Propyl gallate is the name by which n-propyl 3,4,5 trihydroxy benzoate is known. It is a derivative of gallic acid [produced from the tare [Caesalpinea spinosa (Molina) Kuntze] obtained by esterification with propanol.

Natural derivative used as a food grade antioxidant for fats and oils in general, and foods and cosmetics that contain them; in emulsions, waxes, oils in transformation, pet fishmeal, potato chips, chewing gums, toothpastes, soaps, etc., packaging material and others. It is also an inhibitor in the autoxidation of paraldehyde and similar substances exposed to peroxides in the presence of oxygen, etc. Propyl gallate can be combined with other antioxidant products such as BHT, BHA and ascorbyl palmitate and to inactivate the presence of metallic traces (Iron and Copper) it is combined with citric acid that acts as a chelator to prevent the formation of unwanted colors.

Internal, 2 plastic polyethylene bags.
Outer: Export type cardboard box
Net Weight: 25K

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